July 5-8, 2018, Vancouver, Canada
As President of the World Association of Animal Production, my most important duty is to oversee the organization of the World Congress on Animal Production. The WCAP meets every 5 years, with the goal of addressing global large-scale issues in animal science and animal agriculture. A joint proposal from the Canadian Society of Animal Science and the American Society of Animal Science was approved by the WAAP council for a meeting to be held jointly with the annual ASAS CSAS meetings in Vancouver Canada.
A committee was formed by ASAS and CSAS composed of Filippo Miglior, Deb Hamernik, Kees Plaizier, Christine Baes, Eveline Ibeagha-Awemu, and Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe. Representing the WAAP on the organizing committee are Matthias Gauly, Andrea Rosati, and James Sartin. The joint program committee has been hard at work and now has a general program and invited speakers.
ASAS and CSAS are excited to announce that in coordination with World Association of Animal Production (WAAP), we will host the next World Congress on Animal Production (WCAP) meeting in Vancouver directly ahead of the 2018 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show.
WCAP only meets every 5 years, with the goal of addressing global large-scale issues in animal science and animal agriculture. The joint program committee has been hard at work and is ready to announce the general program and invited speakers:
Thursday, July 5, 2018
- 8:30 – Registration
- 17:30 – Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jennie Pryce (Victoria Agriculture and La Trobe University, Australia)
Friday, July 6, 2018
- Session I – Precision Livestock Farming to increase producers’ profitability
- Invited speakers: Dr. Ilan Halachmi (Israel), Dr. Irenilza de Alencar Nääs (Paulista University, Brazil), Dr. Trevor Devries (University of Guelph, Canada)
- Session II – Higher food safety to enhance consumer confidence
- Invited Speakers: Dr. Herman Barkema (University of Calgary, Canada), Dr. Amy Pruden (Virginia Tech, United States), Dr. Uwe Rössler (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Saturday, July 7, 2018
- Session III – Challenges and opportunities in animal health
- Dr. Andres Perez (University of Minnesota, United States), Dr. Janice Zanella (Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Santa Catarina, Brazil), Dr. Anne Mottet (FAO, Italy)
- Session IV: Animal well-being challenges for today, opportunities for tomorrow
- Dr. Don Lay (USDA ARS/Purdue University, United States), Dr. Adroaldo Zanella (University of Sao Paolo, Brazil), Dr. Marina von Keyserlingk (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Sunday, July 8, 2018
- Session V: Genetic improvement in developing countries: mission impossible?
- Invited speakers: Dr. Raphael Mrode (ILRI and SRUC/Scotland’s Rural College, Kenya and United Kingdom), Dr. Yachun Wang (China Agricultural University, China), Dr. Alessandra Stella (Parco Tecnologico Padano, Italy)
- Session VI: A picture is worth a thousand words – challenges in communication between agriculture and the public
- Dr. Gesa Busch (University of Bozen, Italy), Dr. Maria Hötzel (Brazil), Dr. Glynn Tonsor (Kansas State University, United States)
In addition to invited talks, we will choose several 15-minute oral presentations from the submitted abstracts to appear in each session and there will be daily poster presentations related to sessions. The call for abstracts and registration will be announced soon.
See the WCAP meeting web pages for more information: https://asas.org/meetings/wcap-2018/wcap-abstracts-program
The ASAS-CSAS annual meeting begins July 8 and ends July 12. For more information see: https://asas.org/meetings/annual-2018
Make plans to attend the most exciting and influential series of meetings in the animal sciences in 2018.