

As revised by the General Assembly held on 14 July 2010


(n.1/1995 , amended 7/07/1968, 22/05/1973, 14/08/1983, 28/06/1993, revised 03/09/1995, 26/08/1996, 23/02/2000)

Section 1. Name
This Association shall be known as the World Association for Animal Production (WAAP): The legal seat of WAAP is in Via G. Tomassetti 3 1/A 00161 Rome, Italy.

Section 2. Mission
The mission of the WAAP is to serve world animal agriculture through the global advancement of Animal Science and viable animal production systems while sustaining natural resources.

Section 3. Aims
The WAAP aims are to promote:
1.   high standards in research, the development and application of technology, education and science-based public policy in Animal Science;
2.   co-operation among members and non-member organisations for the purpose of reviewing scientific, technical and educational problems and opportunities in animal agriculture;
3.   exchange of scientific and educational information among its members;
4.   better public understanding of animal science for the mutual benefit of consumers, producers and scientists; and
5.   recognition of outstanding merit and extraordinary contributions.

Section 4. Activities

The WAAP fields of activities are to promote:
1.   educational opportunities and to develop resources to support animal agriculture;
2.   sustainable / viable and integrated animal, pasture and crop management systems that are environmentally sound and result in biologically and economically efficient animal production;
3.   the identification and development of new production systems or techniques for the evaluation and utilisation of feed resources that would support viable animal production systems;
4.   animal production technologies to ensure the quality of livestock products, particularly the safety, quality, nutritional value, free and orderly marketing of food products of animal origin;
5.   the effective use of animal genetic resources and conservation of the diversity of farm animals through coordinated international programmes; and
6.   international information systems for effective communication and access to existing and new information.

Section 5. Functions

The functions of the WAAP are to:
1. arrange a World Conference on Animal Production (WCAP) to be held approximately every five years; to consider achievements, progress and problems of global animal production; and to debate emerging issues and developments in animal science and production;
2. stimulate and urge the participation in the Conference by the world’s scientists and professionals in the field of animal agriculture;
3. collaborate with the hosting member and the host country to organise the Conference through an Organising Committee;
4. create a continuing mechanism to finance the WAAP and its initiatives including the World Animal Agriculture Award(s);
5. co-operate with the member associations/societies in initiating and organising regional symposia, meetings and conferences;
6. collaborate closely with FAO and other international governmental and non-governmental organisations having similar aims and fields of activity;
7. appoint or participate in appropriate committees, working groups and networks and fulfil other functions when invited by relevant organisations;
8. facilitate the exchange of information among member associations/societies on activities and functions of common interest through newsletters and other relevant means and ways of communication;
9. maintain a web-site that would serve both as the news window to promote WAAP and its activities; and
10. maintain international data bank of professional animal scientists.


Section 1
Any national or/and regional/federal professional association/society whose objectives relate to the advancement of animal science and/or animal production and are consistent with the objects of WAAP shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2
Membership may be obtained by application addressed to the Secretariat of WAAP and shall be subject to the approval of the General Assembly and the regular payment of the dues.

Section 3
Relevant intergovernmental and governmental organisations may be admitted as associate members upon application, subject to the approval of the General Assembly and regular payment of dues.

Section 4
Membership may be terminated by Council, but subject to ratification by the General Assembly following:
1.  resignation in writing;
2.  change of scope or aims not compatible with those of the Association;
3.  non‑payment of dues; and
4. any other reasons as decided by Council and ratified by the General Assembly.

Section 5
1. Members shall pay annual fees as prescribed by the General Assembly to the WAAP.
2. A member in arrears for annual dues for a period of more than 3 months may be suspended from membership by decision of the Council, but may be reinstated on payment of all outstanding amounts.


Section 1
The supreme governing body of the WAAP is the General Assembly of its members, which will hold a meeting at least once a year.
Each member shall nominate a delegate to represent it at the General Assembly.

Section 2
The General Assembly shall:

  • Receive and approve a report from Council on the activities of the previous year
  • Receive and approve a statement on the financial affairs of the Association for the previous year
  • Admit new members and ratify termination of membership
  • Elect the President, Vice-Presidents and other members of the Council
  • Appoint Auditors
  • Set the level of membership fees
  • Approve a budget for the following year
  • Decide on the location of the next World Conference on Animal Production
  • Decide on proposals presented by Council and by members for placing on the agenda
  • Decide on proposals to amend the Statutes and ratify amendments to the By-laws
  • Decide on dissolution of the Association
  • Decide on any other business relevant to the Association

Section 3
1. There shall be a Council of the WAAPThe Council shall consist of the President, four Vice-Presidents and the immediate past President. The President of the World Conference on Animal Production shall be an ex officio member of the Council. The four Vice-presidents shall represent the different geographical regions of WAAP membership as prescribed in the By-laws. Members of the Council shall be considered the Officers of the Association.
2. The Council shall generally be elected at the General Assembly held in the year of the World Conference on Animal Production  and shall serve from the end of this WCAP to the end of the succeeding WCAP.
3. The Council shall appoint a Ways and Means Committee and a Scientific Affairs Committee and such committees as are necessary from time to time. These committees shall be chaired by members of the Council and shall report to the Council.
4. The President may, with the approval of the Council, invite any Member or observer to attend a Council meeting for a specific purpose.
5. The Council shall be assisted and advised in the performance of its duties by a Secretary General and an associated secretariat.
6. The Council shall:

  • Manage the day to day business of the Association
  • Prepare General Assemblies and other events of the Association
  • Implement decisions of the General Assembly
  • Appoint the Secretary General and assign the duties of the secretariat
  • Draw up the report on the activities of the Association and the financial statement for placing before the General Assembly
  • Prepare a programme of future activities and budgets for placing before the General assembly
  • Decide on the recipients of awards following nomination by the Scientific Affairs Committee.
  1. The Council shall meet at least once a year at the time of the General Assembly and hold such other meetings as it considers necessary.  Such other meetings may be held by means of conference calls or by e-mail consultations.

Section 4
Council shall delegate the day to day running of the Association to an Executive Board consisting of the President, Chairs of the Ways and Means Committee and the Scientific Affairs Committee and the Secretary General.


Section 1
The Association shall hold title to all property and funds contributed to it, and shall have the right to exercise all powers granted to it by the laws of the country in which it has legal seat.  Funds of the Association shall be operated, invested or deposited by the Secretary General with the approval of the Council.

Section 2
The Association’s financial year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31 of every year.


Notwithstanding any provision of the statutes that might be susceptible to a contrary construction the following prohibitions shall prevail:

Section 1
In accordance with the principles on freedom of access promoted by the International Council of Scientific Union (I.C.S.U.), WAAP shall not sponsor or give financial support to any conference, meeting or other activity, unless participation is assured to professionally qualified prospective participants without regard to their citizenship, origin, political affiliation, race, religion or sex, and unless adequate procedures are set up to assure access by qualified participants from countries with which the prospective host country does not maintain diplomatic relations.

Section 2
No part of the net earnings of the Association shall incur under any circumstances to the benefit of any private individual.

Section 3
The Association shall not be organised nor operated for profit.

Section 4
The Association shall not:
1. lend any part of its income or corpus without receipt of adequate security and reasonable rate of interest;
2. pay any compensation, in excess of a reasonable allowance for salaries or other compensation, for services actually rendered;
3. make any part of its services available on a preferential basis;
4. make any purchase of securities or any other property for more than adequate consideration in money or money’s worth; and
5. sell any securities or other property for less than adequate consideration in money or money’s worth; nor engage in any other transactions which result in diversions of its income or corpus to any member or contributor to the Association.


A proposed amendment of the statutes may originate from the Council or any affiliated member society through its representative on the General Assembly.
Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Council (Secretary General) at least 90 days prior to a scheduled council meeting. A two-third majority of the ballots cast shall be required for the adoption of such an amendment.


Section 1
The Association may be dissolved in accordance with the following procedure:
1. The General Assembly may adopt, by majority vote, a resolution recommending the dissolution of the Association together with a plan of distribution of assets, and submit the question of dissolution and the plan of distribution to the members of the Association.
2. A copy of such resolution shall be mailed to each full member at his last known address and the answer must be received by the Secretary General before the ballots are to be counted, not less than 90 days from the day the resolution was posted to the member.
3. The resolution to dissolve the Association and to adopt a plan of distribution will become effective provided a minimum of 75 percent of the membership votes on the proposed resolution, and by an affirmative vote of two/thirds of those voting, approves the said resolution.

Section 2

Upon dissolution of WAAP, the Association shall, within 90 days, distribute its assets and accrued income as determined by the approved plan of distribution.